"A great fire burns within me but no one stops to warm themselves at it
and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke."

all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

elijah alex williams
independent & highly selective novelist, fakevz based
click here for tumblr and here for the profile trailer

credit where credit is due
divine artworks
©!!!carrd template


»That was one of the saddest things about people —
their most important thoughts and feelings
often went unspoken and barely understood.«

ambitious ; attentive ; callous ; calm ; envious ; intelligent ; kind ; loyal ;
obsessive ; patient ; perfectionist ; selfish ; selfless ; sometimes naïve ;
stubborn ; trustworthy ; well-behaved

NAME. elijah alex williams.
AGE. 03/30/1993; thirty-one
GENDER. male
RELATIONSHIP. madly in love with elizabeth cunningham
OCCUPATION. paramilitary operations officer
residence. new york city
height. 6'5'', 197cm
eye colour. bright blue
hair. dark brown, usually short
complexion. fair
build. slim, muscular
faceclaim. jake gyllenhaal
CLOTHING. comfortable & minimalistic. muted colors.
HABITS. heavy smoker ; light & restless sleeper
TICS. conspicuous blinking tic when in stress (unbeknownst to him)

a closer look.
Standing 6'5'' tall he seems like a silent giant, towering over his surroundings ⸺ like a guardian, a protecting presence.
Elijah is usually calm and collected, rarely looses his temper and is mostly silent when around people, especially in new environments. Only speaking when spoken to, it's hard to catch a glimpse of what's actually going on behind sealed lips and a perfected pokerface. Given his background, Elijah is in his head a lot, reflecting himself and the choices he made.
Yet, his defining characteristics are his drive, focus, passion, endurance and efficiency. No matter if it concerned his private life or work his goals came first, sacrifices second. When he sets his mind to something, be assured he gets it done.
Elijah is a heavy smoker. His favorite brand is Camel.


OVERTURE   Born and raised in the outskirts of Fairbanks, Alaska, Elijah grew up surrounded by nature and an environment, that barely let in any warmth. Growing up with an absent father and a mother that was overwhelmed by the boy's nature, Elijah learned quickly how to take his life in his own hands and thus, exceeding expectations he set for himself.
Ever since his childhood years Elijah wasn't nearly as passionate for school as his younger brother David Williams, but whenever he set a goal for himself, he always managed to achieve it⸺ no matter if it was an A in literature to impress the pretty girl in front row, or becoming football captain to get back at the idiot who dared bullying David.
Due to his upbringing, shaping character happened quicker than with other guys. Even in school he was known for being passionate for things he cared about. He was rebellious, impulsive and reckless. His goals came first, sacrifices second ⸺ but people admired him for that. Elijah quickly grew to become one of the most popular students in his year and the ones below. Guys admired him for who he was and his determination; girls loved him for his looks and the aura that surrounded him. Though he was one of the most liked, still no one knew anything about him, except for his first girlfriend CÉLESTE DUVAL and his later long-time girlfriend, ALEXIA MORALES.
There were just two driving forces that eventually led him to accepting the "inquiry of recruitment" by an US Army official, after winning the Wimbledon Cup, a yearly marksmanship competition, not just as the youngest participant in history, but also as son of the former champion ALEX MASON.

REQUIEM   Elijah, nowadays working for the Central Intelligence Agency, is deployed all over the world in classified operations, having recently worked in Moscow, Amsterdam and Kyoto. The government denies any knowledge about said operations whatsoever, as he and his team usually stretch the bounds of legality.
Elijah's tactical expertise and his dedication as a former Marine Captain is highly appreciated amongst his superiors. Thus he was enticed by the CIA, promoting him to an operator of their Special Operations Group.
Though his reputation's scattered with controversies, not always following orders when given, his effectiveness and service record speak for themselves. He was captured, came back from the dead numerous times and was trapped in situations where there were neither hope, nor a chance left. He still always managed to get the job done.
By any means necessary.*
Ever since working for one of the many "alphabet agencies", most of Elijah's rather turbulent upbringing is hard to trace. His personal life, as well as his career path and past is redacted ⸺ including his humble beginnings, the years before the military and intermittent faux pas.
The Paramilitary operations officer almost seems like a ghost, when it comes to traceability.
As if he never existed.

credit where credit is due
divine artworks
©!!!carrd template

verses & WRITING




EST. 04/2023 ⸻ 135,236 words ⸻ excerpt here

Drawn To The Blood ⸻ Sufjan Stevens


This :)

Sumiton is a modest, inconspicuous town in the heart of Alabama, seeming absurdly small with around 2500 inhabitants. A rather unusual setting for the case he would be taking on. Yet, even during his briefing in Langley, he sensed that this job would be unlike any other: a series of strange occurrences is plaguing the states, crossing borders and leaving not much trace. Norton, Elijah's predecessor, had worked on this case for two years before "falling ill" and leaving, leading to the thirty-year-old agent taking over. There appears to be no discernible pattern connecting the victims – it could be a serial killer or something more sinister acting beneath the surface, like a form of domestic terrorism. However, what ties them together is a connection to the occult. Elijah had sworn never to revisit belief and religion, let alone let them back into his life, but fate seemingly had other plans for him.
For Elijah, the case begins with forty-five notebooks, three thousand six hundred pages, all bound in black. Norton's manifesto, containing every thought and every bit of information he had gathered so far. In the thirty-second notebook, one could see that Norton had gotten too close to the matter. His notes became more and more disturbing, suspecting conspiracies where there were none. Elijah's first moment of discomfort with the case arises, not because he believed in the insane fantasies his predecessor had manifested, but because they veered in a direction he didn't like.
He encounters Elizabeth Cunningham, a practicing exorcist, paranormal investigator, and expert in the occult. To Elijah, she is clearly a charlatan preying on the ignorance of others for money, but he takes on every lead he got. Their initial meeting isn't particularly the nicest, but they both realize that connecting the dots will be difficult without them working together. Driven by desperation and unsettling events, Elijah confides in Elizabeth about the case and asks for her help. However, their collaboration not only immerses them in a challenging investigation but also tests their beliefs, ethics, and morality, redefines trust, and forces them to confront the demons of their past they had hid ever so carefully.

Requiem in D Minor, K. 626: Sequence VI. Lacrimosa ⸻ MOZART

Pavel's and Elijah's friendship began one fateful night, where both were drunk beyond comprehension. Their night ended on the rooftop of Eli's apartment complex, talking about everything and anything they let their minds wander to. Their friendship is unlikely, but it managed to blossom into an unspoken bond of trust and a deep understanding for one another without talking about the things that actually happened in their pasts.
However, one day a casual get together quickly turned into a sinister test for the new found and quite unusual friendship. An "involuntary smoke session" takes them far beyond their wildest imagination and thrusts them into a parallel reality set in rural America during the 1950s.
As they navigate this unfamiliar world, Pavel's alternate self becomes entangled in the treacherous web of the local mafia, led by Jegor Solovoy – a ruthless, greedy, and yet collected crime mogul, who's maintaining the power he has over the town with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Elijah finds himself unfairly burdened as the town's scapegoat, facing prejudice and suspicion from the tight-knit community.
DIES IRAE delves deep into the psyche of friendship, testing the limits of loyalty and trust and the limits of it. Pavel and Elijah must confront their own demons and face the consequences of their choices in this enthralling alternate reality. As the lines blur between right and wrong, their bond takes an unexpected turn, shrouded in uncertainty and darkness, seemingly driving the two of them apart, leaving them alone in a world they never asked to be a part of.


»Day Of Wrath«


EST. 02/2022 ⸻ 126,661 words ⸻ excerpt here


»in the presence of God«


EST. 06/2023 ⸻ 7,656 words

When The Morning Light Shines In ⸻ Dan Romer

Sumiton wasn't a case Elijah remembered fondly. The revelations he and Elizabeth had uncovered had shaken his worldview, and though he continued his job unlike his predecessor, the events had left their mark on him. Elijah hadn't shared the details of the case with anyone, as his integrity was at stake. Since then, except for the CIA's yearly dinner honoring exceptional work, things had been quiet between the two of them.
Eli, unaware of the conditions of his next assignment, arrives on a windy April day in Langley for the briefing of his next case: The Project at Eden's Gate, a doomsday cult led by Joseph Seed, disturbs the peace in Northern Montana. Their tactics are unorthodox, and their level of threat unknown. The team consists of Stephen Keller, a fellow operative and old friend of Elijah, Franklin Beck, a brilliant twenty-one-year-old FBI analyst who had been studying cult dynamics for three months, and Elizabeth; someone Elijah had found a trusty companion in, thus being grateful for her involvement.
Beck and Liz would focus on understanding the cult's narrative and psychological tactics, while Eli and Keller provided military expertise for their safe extraction and assessment of the cult's military strength and potential threat level.
The team find themselves in Hope County, Montana. Snow-covered peaks shimmer in the distance, vast golden fields of wheat sway in the wind like a gentle, golden sea. Montana was a place where silence met greatness, with towering mountains and free-flowing rivers, bearing witness of nature's beauty in every fleeting moment.
Beneath this beautiful facade however, Joseph Seed's influence seemingly extends far beyond Hope County's borders. The pilot, supposed to bring the four into the region, turned out to be a devoted follower, landing them right in the midst of Joseph's compound, surrounded by zealous believers and his three siblings John, Jacob and Faith. Facing a force they had severely underestimated, the task force find themselves trapped in Joseph's "garden"; snakes posing a threat to paradise. Cut off from communication and reinforcements, they are surrounded by religious fanatics and a "family" promising safety, home, and belonging.
Promises that some people were more susceptible to than others.

Bronski Beat x Pashanim ⸻ DRUNKEN MASTERS

Berlin Neukölln, 1996.
Die rechteckigen, grauen Plattenbauten wirken wie horizontale Dörfer; wie Wespennester, in denen es stets surrt und aggressiv nach außen klingt. Ein Sammelpunkt für viele, die in der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben nach Berlin zogen und sich eines Tages in Armut wiederfanden. Manche schafften es vielleicht mal nach Zehlendorf, aber dann kamen sie wieder und waren genau da, wo sie immer waren. Rauszukommen war wie in Treibsand stecken: Wenn du dich bewegst sinkst du ziemlich schnell nur noch tiefer. Wenn du nichts machst, dann stirbst zu zwar trotzdem, aber langsamer.
Zwischen den High Decks und der Gropiusstadt scheint das Leben für Eli und Liz nicht viel bereit zu halten. Träumen tun sie trotz der Steine, die ihnen das Leben in den Weg legt. Vielleicht Abi, vielleicht studieren, aber nur des Geldes wegen, um weit weg zu kommen. Abseits der Schule dreht sich ihr Alltag um die Dinge, die jeden Jugendlichen irgendwo beschäftigen: Feiern gehen, tanzen, manchmal auch vergessen. Jedes Problem ist existenziell, Erwachsene verstehen einen nicht.
Gleichzeitig ist das Feiern gehen oftmals aber nicht des Feiern Gehens willen, sondern um weg von Zuhause zu sein. Weg von Eltern, die nie welche sein wollten. Erwachsene verstehen einen nicht, weil die Vorurteile gegenüber denen der sozialen Unterschicht so tiefsitzend sind, dass ihnen eine etwaige Andersartigkeit abgesprochen wird. Manche wollten nicht verstehen, manche machten sich die Verzweiflung dieser Menschen zunutze, aber den meisten war es einfach egal.
Beide lernen sich über einen gemeinsamen Freund, Johnny, auf einer Party kennen. Sie feiern des Feierns willen. Tanzen des Tanzens willen. Mehr nicht. Sie trinken kleine Schnapsflaschen von Kümmerling, was zwar furchtbar schmeckt, aber weil es alle machten können sie nicht kneifen. Dann unterhalten sie sich. Über ihre erste Zigarette mit elf oder zwölf. Darüber, wie Eli irgendeinem besoffenen Schnösel, der meinte auf dem Kiez feiern gehen zu müssen, seine Adidas-Windjacke abgezogen hatte. Dass Liz momentan bei Karim schläft, weil es Zuhause gerade nicht geht. Dass Malte von den Bullen hochgenommen wurde, weil er getickt hatte. Darüber, dass Eli nur nicht im Knast sitzt, weil er mit unzähligen Auflagen davon gekommen ist, von denen er sich nicht an alle halten kann. Dann schweigen sie. Kein unangenehmes Schweigen: Mehr wie die Zeit zwischen Blitz und Donner, die dich aufmerksam werden lässt.
Liz und Eli ⸺ Kinder der systematischen Entsolidarisierung Deutschlands und der daraus resultierenden klaffenden Wunde, die sich soziale Ungerechtigkeit schimpft ⸺ versuchen zwar jeder für sich mit dem Aufwachsen in der Anonymität Berlins klar zu kommen, aber beide finden einen unausgesprochenen Halt und Vertrauen in der Gegenwart des Anderen. Keiner von ihnen kann sagen ob das für immer ist. Für Immer fühlt sich zwar relativ an, wenn du im Treibsand steckst, aber das Gefühl nicht alleine zu sein bietet erstaunlich viel Trost dafür, dass du erhobenen Hauptes auf das Ende zusteuerst.

nec aspera terrent

»they are not terrified of the rough things«

EST. 07/2023 ⸻ 12,855 words

ad astra per aspera


»to the stars through difficulties«

EST. SOON ⸻ plotting the universe atm, going strong at 6650 words

Soldier, Poet, King ⸻ Jacob Cook

Amidst the realm of Ceritia lies Imeth Entheas, a grand city nestled among the clouds, encircling the peak of Mount Ismenas. Gondolas run from the foot of the mountain, where farmers and common folks reside, all the way up to the summit, where the aristocracy lives. The city is known for its art and culture, renowned for the architecture and the shimmering golden accents that glint in the warm evening sun. As home of the royal family, Imeth Entheas holds not only cultural significance in Ceritia but also political importance. Adventurers and those, who dream of being one, often converge here, hungry for all kinds of quests and challenges to earn their place in the Hall of Heroes — a legendary status reserved for those heroes that saved Ceritia.The sight of dwarves is rare in the realm of Ceritia. The Eons of Chaos led to the destruction of most of Saennavar, the dwarves' home realm. An unknown group of beings, later known as the "Bringers of Chaos", descended upon Saennavar, created from iron and fire, obliterating it and leaving almost no survivors to make sure no one used the dwarven weapons in this war. From this day on the art of dwarven blacksmithing was considered extinct. Dwarves can still be found in various cities of different realms, but hardly any of them still practice the craft of blacksmithing. The few who do often specialize in making various armor pieces or crafting jewelry. After the destruction of their home realm and the mercilessness of the Bringers of Chaos, the remaining blacksmiths vowed to give up their craft in an effort to contribute to peace between worlds. To this day, no one is capable of forging said weapons anymore.The outskirts of Imeth Entheas are home to Eli Elvellon, a foundling who appeared on the doorstep of "Of Hammer & Hands", a renowned forge owned by the dwarf Baldur, who specialized in forging armors for wandering adventurers: armors that had to be functional but also look impressive.
One day, Eli meets Elizabeth Glynnhorn, a half-elven pirate and adventurer, accompanied by the barbarian Korgoth at a tavern. The duo had recently collaborated with the famous adventuring crew, Ad Honorem. They returned to Imeth Entheas to claim their reward from the royal family, before starting a new adventure. While Elijah initially visited the tavern to meet the elven druid Faelyn (with his mission of finding enough courage to buy her a pint of mead and strike up a conversation), he witnesses Ad Honorem taking on a new quest: not just to seek out any dwarven blacksmith, capable of crafting dwarven weapons, but the believed to be the deceased son of the legendary weaponsmith Magni.
Worried about his father, Eli rushes home only to find him missing and gone, not leaving a trace. One incident leads to another, and Elijah finds himself involuntarily taking part in an adventure he never asked to be part of, yet uncovering his true identity, origin and finding a place in between all of it.

In The Face Of Evil ⸻ Magic Sword

New York City, 2084.
A city created in 2024 with the ambitious goal of resurrecting America from poverty and violence into a shimmering beacon of hope. It was intended to be an utopia, addressing the numerous issues that the US' politics, society, and the economy had failed to control. The project was initiated with trust in the experts who brought it to life, incorporating a well-thought-out infrastructure, initial sponsorships, a functioning autonomous legal system, and controlled support for emerging companies, free from state intervention. This city project was meant to symbolize a radiant lighthouse amidst a dark sea where "good capitalism" could never flourish, promising stable markets, low unemployment, safety, and cleanliness.
However, nearly sixty years later, little remains of this promised utopia. Corruption, violent crime, and social injustice plague the city. Despite this, New York City thrives as corporate giants like IKIRU dominate the landscape, ensuring security and prosperity in good situated areas like City Center and Ikiru Heights.
In 2084, New York City is a place defined by its ambivalence. On over 1400 km², it combines hope and despair, wealth and poverty, progress and decay. The city offers opportunities and serves as a sanctuary for dreamers and idealists seeking a fresh start. Yet, as some of them flew too close to the sun, much like Icarus, they relentlessly fell into the darkness they once sought to escape, regardless of the cost.
»EX LUCE AD TENEBRAS« follows Jakow "Jascha" Chernykh, a member of a ruthless gang with a mysterious past, and Elijah Williams, a police officer from the understaffed New York City police department.
They embark on a quest to retrieve stolen technology developed by IKIRU's subsidiary, EDEN, which had established a global monopoly on androids and the technology behind them in 2037. This technology holds the fate of the future, and their pursuit of it becomes not only a daring endeavor but also one that deeply shakes Elijah's perception of truth and trust.


»From Light Into Darkness«


EST. 04/2023 ⸻ 45,105 words ⸻ city mapexcerpt here

That being said: I'm beyond capacity for plotting, at the moment, lmao.

credit where credit is due
divine artworks
©!!!carrd template


This is a hobby for me. Nothing more, nothing less.
MUN recently started a new job, which involves a shitton of overtime and writing 24/7. Therefore, I do not have a lot of time on my hands at the moment. Answers currently take much more time than before, sorry for that in advance. Thus, I never expect anyone to answer within a certain amount of time, because I understand that life gets in the way sometimes. I'm 100% chill when it comes to writing speed. However, I expect you to return the favor and don't send constant reminders when I don't answer immediately.
I'll answer at some point (even if it may take six months, sorry Anastasiya).
And because I get that overthinking is something people (including me) really struggle with sometimes, here's a little reminder for you:
My reply time does not equate how much I want to write with you. I am deliberate, picky and methodical with my word choice. I like to spend my time on my writing and getting to that emotional level within myself to make every response as good as I can. In conclusion, that means:
I admire each and every one of my roleplay partners equally and endlessly, each for their very own reasons. I promise you that.
I'm a very selective writer and sometimes the decisions I make when it comes to who I wanna write with and who I don't wanna write with make literally no sense (not even to myself, tbf). Please try to never take it personal when I say "No" to writing with you. In 99% of cases, it's because I don't have the capacity to write more, as I tend to write lengthy texts. I will never start writing with someone when I don't feel like meeting the standard I have personally set for myself.
Sometimes the inherent euphoria you felt when starting a new text wears off and the story just doesn't give you the pleasure it gave you when you started. I get that. If you ever feel that way: Please, for the love of God, TALK TO ME.
These conversations suck massively, they are uncomfortable, but necessary. We can always get things sorted out and if we just don't click we will stop.
I promise you, I will never hold a grudge against you if you communicate openly and respectfully. At the same time I reserve the right to say just the same:
If we don't click or if I don't feel like this is going anywhere, I will talk to you and ask to change up certain aspects about the story or cancel it completely. There are very few reasons why I would cancel a roleplay halfway through, but if it ever gets to that, I will always let you know why. Which is why I ask you, too, to communicate openly and respectfully and not be a dick about it.
I'm twenty-seven years old and not particularly interested in interacting with mun minors or accounts that are minors. Please do not interact if any of those two things apply to you.
If there are any specific triggers you're feeling uncomfortable with / you are sensitive about, please let me know before we start writing. Just as this is a safe space for me, this is supposed to be a safe space for you, too.

Listen, I get that sometimes you have to write parts your writing partner's muse has to say, just to progress in the story you fabricated in your head. Elijah saying basic stuff and reacting to his surroundings is something I'm totally fine with. I trust my writing partners to have some sort of empathy and I'm convinced that you get some kind of feeling for each other's characters and their way of behaving. That's why I'm fine with certain actions as long as they make sense within the character's logic and dynamic. Please do not write Elijah as someone he's not. I personally think it's always best if we just communicate, especially if we're unsure about something.
If you look for drama and/or a place to hate, please take a look at the "don't be a dick clause" and gtfo. Thank you. :) However I'm always down for drama in texts. Please also notice that the drama in texts is never directed against you or your muse personally. it's just for a little bit of ✨ S P I C E ✨.
Elijah is a character that's near and dear to my heart. I spent roughly 1½ years shaping him, giving him depth, dreams, fears and a thought-out backstory. This is why I ask you to respect my character as much as I respect yours. There is much more to uncover for Elijah than written in his Bio & Dossier. I wanted to keep some mystery to him, so we can explore the depths of our characters together.
However, Elijah is not me (apparently that needs clarification for some people). Elijah is a massive idiot sometimes, an asshole in some terms and trust me when I say, that there are many times I just want to shake him and tell him to get his shit together. We do not share every opinion, characteristic and flaw.
To me it's fucking sad that there's even a need for a "don't be a dick clause". Unfortunately I know that there are many people out there who take this hobby way too seriously. The following two paragraphs are for the people out there, who spread toxicity within this entire community:
Here's a "friendly" reminder that behind every blog is a real person with real feelings, real struggles and possible trauma. You never know what's going on, despite how or what they're writing, what they're communicating and how their muse is behaving.
It costs EXACTLY 0$ to not be a dick online. I'll hard-block anyone spreading hate, fake-news or drama where no drama is needed. I'll specifically hard-block you if you ever insult any of my affiliates. without hesitation. These people are near and dear to my heart and to me no one in this community matters as much as they do.
This is a safe space. This is no place for homophobia, sexism, fascism, racism or hate. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to the aforementioned and will hard-block anyone who's sharing this kind of mindset. All genders, all countries of origin, all ethnicities, all abilities, all beliefs, all sexualities, all sizes and all open-minded people are welcome here.
If you disagree with anything I just said, please do not interact with me in any kind of way, because I don't want you here.

credit where credit is due
divine artworks
©!!!carrd template


elijah williams
/  the fallen

alexia morales
/  the eclipse     (NPC)

chloé & david williams
/  the lovers     (NPC)

alex mason
/  the unsung hero     (NPC)

marion williams
/  the delusional     (NPC)

frank williams
/  the false prophet     (NPC)

these characters (except for elijah, obviously) are not written by anyone (including me, they just… exist). Yet All of these characters are an important part to elijah's story and character development. Further information about these individuals is in their respective links above (coming soon, still working on them, but it's not like anyone's gonna read 'em anyway, lol).


The people near and dear to my heart.
The greatest writers out there.
The ones I'm lucky enough to explore every universe with.
A family I wasn't born into, but a chosen one.

pavel zamàdis
/  the cipher

Daria Zamàdis
/   the key

Elizabeth Cunningham
/   the lighthouse

Jakow "jascha" Chernykh
/   the moon

Elsbeth Clemonte
/   the sun

Lilianne Moira
/   the tides

credit where credit is due
divine artworks
©!!!carrd template